Our Projects
Silk Road Development sponsors volunteer teams to go to Afghanistan to provide training, development and humanitarian aid. We desire to inspire hope in the hearts of Afghans through these efforts.
For information about upcoming projects, contact us or subscribe to our email newsletter.
Only a small percentage of the over 31 million people in Afghanistan have access to health care.
The life expectancy for an Afghan is between 43 – 44 years for both men and women.
The infant mortality rate in Afghanistan is the 2nd highest in the world (135 infant deaths out of every 1000 births).
Because of these facts listed, Silk Road is committed to training Afghan physicians by providing medical lectures, teaching new and innovative procedures and caring for patients who are in the hospital as well as those needing care at home. Our vision for Afghanistan in the field of medicine includes a plan for hospice care. Currently, there is no hospice care system available in the entire country. Oncology services are non-existent in Afghanistan. It is our desire to introduce hospice to help care for the dying patient with comfort measures and palliative treatment, helping alleviate the fears and concerns of patients and their families. Our hope is to convey compassion and brotherly love to Afghans and their families that have no other alternative during this most critical time in their lives. A kind touch, a caring smile and words of wisdom and love can make a huge difference to a person at the end of his life.
Volunteers from a variety of backgrounds donate time and energy traveling to Afghanistan to facilitate basic leadership training curriculum.
Our philosophy is that leadership is developed by transformation of the leader.
There are typically 20-40 participants per year who meet for 3-4 days, two times a year.
Participants are government workers, health care professionals, business people, educators, and artists.
Training is done through the use of an interpreter who does a tremendous job translating our words and concepts into the local language.
Silk Road volunteers' goal is to build long term relationships with participants through continued communication, an advanced leadership class and return visits.
Silk Road volunteers have the opportunity to participate in food distributions and building projects among the ethnically diverse people of Afghanistan who tremendously need and appreciate the help.
Education Scholarship Established
Your contributions to SRD are changing the entire future of a student's life. Instead of being a high school graduate with no hope for the future, a student can see a future through different eyes...eyes of hope for a bright future. Please consider making a donation to bring hope to others. A four year education at a local university is around $8500! Won't you help change a life today?